Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3: Thermal Interactions

After reviewing the literature for description of the nucleation in superheated liquids the following conclusions and recommendations have been drawn. The maximum superheating in technical systems is a function of the depressurization velocity and of the produced turbulence. The maximum superheating can be predicted by the Algamir and Lienhard and by the Bartak correlations within an error band of 48.5%. Flashing in short pipes and nozzles leads to critical flows driven by the pressure difference equal to the entrance pressure minus the flashing inception pressure. For the prediction of the maximum achievable superheating, which represents the spinoidal line the Skripov correlation is recommended. The wetting angle is an important property of the polished surface characterizing its capability to activate nucleation sites. For the prediction of the activated nucleation sites the correlation obtained by Wang and Dhir is recommended. The establishing of a vapor film around a heated surface having temperature larger than the minimum film boiling temperature takes a finite time. The availability of small bubbles of noncondensing gases reduces the superheating required to initiate evaporation. Evaporation at lower than the saturation temperature is possible

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Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3: Thermal Interactions

  • تولید کننده: Nikolay Ivanov Kolev
  • شناسنامه: BOOK-1004
  • موجودی: در انبار
  • تاریخ چاپ: 2011
  • نویسنده: Nikolay Ivanov Kolev
  • ژورنال: SPRINGER
  • رایگان
  • قیمت بدون مالیات: رایگان

برچسب ها: Multiphase Flow, Thermal Interactions, superheated liquids, turbulence, Flashing, superheating, noncondensing gases